At Makerere University Recruitment and Benefits Services (MURBS), our primary objective is to secure and retain highly skilled and competent staff members who possess actual and future potential to effectively and efficiently perform their duties and responsibilities in alignment with MURBS’ vision, mission, and strategic objectives.

MURBS is seeking to hire an eligible firm conduct a comprehensive HR needs assessment. The Consultant’s work will be supervised by the appointed MURBS Steering Committee which is responsible for overseeing all the arrangements for this assignment.

In July 2023, the Board of Trustees introduced a five-year Strategic Plan. To ensure its successful implementation, a thorough evaluation of the Scheme’s Human Resource capacity is essential. This evaluation aims to determine how well the current human resources align with the strategic objectives and to identify any gaps or areas that may require development.

The main objective of the consultancy is to propose an organisational structure to support the achievement of strategic goals.

Responding to this RFP

The Steering Committee – MURBS HR Needs Assessment
P.O. Box 7827, Kampala
Lincoln Flats B4, Makerere University
Tel: +256 414 531472
Send an email to: info@murbs.mak.ac.ug (copied to: murbs.trustees@gmail.com).

Click to Download the Request for Proposal (RFP) document with details on how to respond to this RFP below.

Our recruitment process is conducted fairly and impartially, as we are an equal employment opportunity provider. Discrimination or favoritism of any kind, be it by gender, ethnicity, or religion, is strictly prohibited in our recruitment process.

Each application is meticulously reviewed, wherein we thoroughly evaluate qualifications, relevant experience, and adherence to job requirements. Only candidates who meet our criteria are selected for further consideration, including an invitation to participate in an interview.

Throughout our selection process, we place utmost importance on merit, ensuring that we hire individuals solely based on their demonstrated abilities and qualifications. This approach guarantees that we recruit the most competent individuals for each position at MURBS.